Honorlock Student FAQs

Online proctoring, sometimes referred to as remote proctoring, uses AI and live proctors to monitor your exam session to support you and provide a fair testing environment. Proctored exams typically use video, audio, and other AI to detect potential academic dishonesty. Honorlock combines AI and live test proctors to make online proctoring simple, easy, and human.

Honorlock is an online proctoring software product purchased by the campus that integrates with our Learning Management System, Canvas LMS. Honorlock is being used for some courses, mostly fully online courses, to provide a measure of academic integrity while taking major assessments online.

Why do we need Honorlock?

College of the Siskiyous, faculty, and students all have a strong interest in ensuring academic integrity and that assessments are graded fairly, impartially and expeditiously. Academic integrity is defined as a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals to action. COS has policies and procedures for academic and classroom violations.

Institutions also need to be sure that the student who registered for courses is actually the person completing the work. According to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008: "all institutions in the United States that participate in Title IV student aid programs must verify the identity of students enrolled at their institution." Our institution's accreditation agency, WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), also requires "institutions that offer distance education to have processes in place through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit."

Two methods that our campus uses to verify student identity include:

Honorlock is used primarily in Online and Hybrid courses and also sometimes in on-campus courses to proctor exams.

What does Honorlock do and not do?

Honorlock works within your web browser while taking an assessment in Canvas to observe behavior which may include recording of video, audio, screen activity, navigation or similar activities. The exam settings are chosen by the instructor. Honorlock's full-time online proctoring team received training by a nationally certified counselor and educator on providing students with help and support during moments of test anxiety and frustration.

Honorlock combines AI with live human proctors. Honorlock uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to monitor your test which means that you aren't constantly being watched. If the AI detects unusual activity – such as another person in the room – it automatically generates a flag and alerts a live virtual proctor. Depending on the type of flag, a live proctor may pause your exam and open a chat with you to discuss the incident and resume your exam. Honorlock proctors don't assume you're cheating – they assume you need help. When your proctored exam is completed, your instructor is able to review the flag recording to determine if there was a possible act of academic misconduct.

When done right, proctored testing creates a non-invasive and equitable environment for testing, holding everyone accountable to do their best work.

What are the requirements for taking an Honorlock exam?

Your instructor will inform you of your exam settings and requirements, but in general, an updated version of Chrome is required, as well as a computer equipped with a functioning video camera and microphone. Honorlock exams cannot be taken on a mobile device. Here are some general tips:

What are the computer and browser requirements for use?

You need a computer, a functioning webcam and microphone, the software or browser extension, and appropriate Internet speed.

Please see Honorlock system requirements. An updated version of Chrome is required.

What happens when I take an Honorlock exam?

What information does Honorlock collect?

Where can students go to take a Honorlock assessment?

Anywhere there is reliable internet access and that is (relatively) free from distractions. Our Academic Success Center also offers Honorlock test proctoring services by appointment.

Where does a student go to get technical support?

During an exam, the toolbar at the bottom of the Honorlock screen provides links to the Honorlock Knowledge Base and their 24/7 Honorlock chat support.

Can a student opt-out of Honorlock?

Students must work with their instructor on an alternative. Students will be given an option for being assessed in another format but there are no guarantees on the availability of attending another section without online proctoring.

Solutions for instructors to allow options may include, but are not limited to:

What if a student needs an accommodation due to a disability?

Honorlock is VPAT certified, 508 compliant, and fully accessible to those with disabilities. Your instructor has provided your accommodations within Honorlock.

Who determines if cheating has occurred?

Just like a traditional class exam, this is determined by the instructor. If Honorlock reports that a student has engaged in activities that may be considered to be high risk, the instructor reserves the right to change the grade. In addition, all incidents of academic dishonesty may be reported to, or referred to, the Student Conduct Board, since academic dishonesty is a violation of COS Students' Code of Conduct.

How is Honorlock Paid For?

Honorlock licenses are purchased by the institution on an annual basis and are available in all Canvas course sections that use the tool.