My Way Protocol

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Our kids can become incredibly OCD and rigid in their behaviors, so much so that their day becomes consumed by obeying these mental rituals. Some of our little friends absolutely cannot be interrupted when they're doing this strange little ritualistic sequence. Enter “my way”. It’s not enough to say, “Life’s tough, deal with it” or “You can’t always get what you want.” While these things are true, we need to shape that up!

This product includes the Phase 1 "My Way" protocol for teaching our kids a more appropriate way of asking to literally have things their way.

This product is complete with examples of what OCD/Rigid Behavior Episodes look like, a basic Flowchart for how to implement Phase 1 of "My Way", visuals requesting "My Way", examples of how color coding days/times/items can help aide our learners in discriminating between 'their time' and 'our time', and Plate Mats that outline an example schedule for "Teacher Choice" and an example schedule for "Student Choice".