What To Eat On Phentermine Diet Plan?

phentermine diet plan

Knowing what to eat while on phentermine might be tough when you first start your weight-reduction program. When using phentermine, there are numerous diet plans to avoid and items to eat. You will have a decreased appetite when taking a phentermine diet plan, but you must consume the correct meals and nourish yourself properly.

Overview about Phentermine

Phentermine is a common amphetamine-like medicine that helps people lose weight by decreasing their appetite. It aids weight-reduction by curbing your appetite and providing you with a longer-lasting sense of fullness.

Phentermine, like most other popular weight-loss medications (such as Alli Pill Diet Plan), is supposed to be used as part of a larger weight-loss plan. It’s best for those who are overweight or haven’t been able to lose as much weight as they’d want with a mix of exercise and nutrition. If all you want to do is drop a few pounds, this is not the program for you.

Phentermine is a Schedule IV controlled substance. This categorization applies to substances that have a high risk of being overdosed or misused. Despite the fact that the genuine potential for phentermine appears to be very minimal, it is still possible to misuse it.

How many calories should i eat while taking Phentermine?

When you first start following the Phentermine diet plan, you should eat within 1200 calories per day. If you eat too few calories, your metabolism will start to slow down, instead of burning calories, your body will switch to storing food, making it difficult for you to lose healthy weight.

Your diet should be a combination of foods high in fiber, good protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. Plus regular exercise will help you gain muscle, lose fat and limit swelling with phentermine.

Rules you should follow on Phentermine diet

When using phentermine diet, there are a few diet requirements you must follow:

Eat More Protein

When following a phentermine diet, it’s critical to get adequate protein. This is due to the fact that protein digestion, metabolism, and absorption take longer. These proteins also remain longer in your stomach, allowing you to feel fuller quicker and for longer. Turkey, skinless chicken, fish, tofu, lean beef, eggs, low-fat dairy, and almonds are some excellent protein options to help you obtain enough protein while taking phentermine.

Eat More Fiber

Although fiber isn’t one of the “magic” weight-loss weapons, consuming meals with high fiber content can help you feel fuller quicker, which will help you fight the impulse to eat more than your body requires. Although phentermine alone will satisfy your appetite, combining it with high-fiber meals can help you feel satisfied while consuming fewer fats and calories. Brown rice, almonds, whole grains, beans, baked potatoes with the skin, veggies, berries, and bran cereal are all natural sources of fiber.

Drink Water

The first guideline of any diet plan is to drink as much water as possible. This guideline also applies to the foods you eat when on a phentermine diet plan. You should drink roughly 8 glasses of water each day when taking phentermine. Getting enough water can help you enhance your bodily functioning, help your body release more of its water weights, avoid dehydration, and learn not to confuse thirst with hunger feelings. Take cooled water or green tea to make sure you get enough water each day. In addition to having a superior flavor, cold water is easier for the body to absorb.

Eat Less Sugar

When you store a lot of sugar, it raises your insulin resistance, raises your chance of diabetes, and raises your cholesterol levels, all of which increase your risk of obesity.

Sugar is included in practically all processed foods, including frozen dinners, and can be found in almost all of the foods described above. Commercial fruit liquids and dried fruits also have added sugar. The tastiest juices and fruits are those that have been freshly squeezed.

List of foods to eat on Phentermine

You should prioritize using the foods that I list below, because they contain all the necessary nutrients and help you feel full for longer. And they will also help you get into the habit of adjusting your food intake accordingly if you stop taking phentermine.

Vegetables and Fruits

Fresh fruits and vegetables have fewer calories and add very few fats to your body. Plus, they are filled with lots and lots of vitamins and minerals, which your body normally requires in order to function well. They also can help you “feeling fuller but lighter” with just the right amount.

Whole Grains

Fiber from whole grains may reduce inflammation and lower risk of heart disease more than fiber from fruits and vegetables.

According to a study in JAMA Network Open.

With the exception of refined whole grains like white bread, the nutrients have been stripped out, more starchy and less healthy.

You should consume the following whole grains


In addition to animal protein sources, you should include other plant protein sources, mainly legumes, because they contain higher quality fiber and protein than other foods, helping to create a feeling of fullness for longer even though eat less.

Many studies show that bean consumption can help reduce body weight sustainably by naturally reducing food intake and still absorb essential nutrients.

Some examples of popular legumes include:

Nuts and Seeds

To ensure a full supply of nutrients to the body and still help lose weight effectively, you cannot ignore nuts, although they contain many healthy fats and calories.

One study found that nut consumption (who ate two or more portions of nuts per week) had a 31% lower risk of weight gain compared to the control group that didn’t eat them. These results support the nut consumption as an important component of a cardioprotective diet and also allay fears of possible weight gain.

Some examples of nuts and seeds to eat include:

Note: You should check the amount of specific nutrients in different nuts before consuming them, to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. For example: Flax and chia seeds are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient that many people don’t get enough of.

Fatty Fish

Many people are more picky about eating fish than other types of meat, but do not know that fish is a low-fat high quality protein. According to the most recent The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), there are 7 important nutrients in food that most Americans aren’t getting in sufficient amounts, which include such as high-quality protein, iodine, and various vitamins and minerals.

All fish is good for you, but fatty fish is even better. It contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for good heart and brain health.

Studies find that the inclusion of either lean or fatty fish, or fish oil as part of an energy-restricted diet resulted in approximately 1 kg more weight loss after 4 weeks.

Fatty fish that are high in Omega-3s include:

Green tea

The high amount of caffeine from green tea will make the fat burning process more extreme, while increasing energy for physical activities. Thus, losing weight within 1 week is completely possible.

Drink between 1 and 2 cups of hot green tea throughout the day, depending on how much caffeine you consume and your natural metabolism and adjust accordingly.

Phentermine what not to eat?

Simple Carbohydrates

You shouldn’t feel bad about indulging yourself even simple carbs are found in foods such as table sugar, white flour products, candy, chocolate, cake, jam, cookies, soda, and packaged cereals. They are quickly absorbed by your body, causing abrupt swings in blood sugar levels, and they are not used as fuel by your body, instead being stored as fat. If you must have carbs, choose complex carbs, which take longer to digest and are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Vegetables, whole grain breads, oatmeal, legumes, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta are among example.


Fructose, which can only be metabolized by the liver, is abundant in added sugar. The excess sugar is stored as fat if the liver is already digesting meals. Sugar raises your risk of becoming obese as a result of increased insulin resistance, as well as your cholesterol levels and your risk of developing diabetes. Sugar is present in many of the above-mentioned simple carbs, as well as many processed foods such as frozen dinners. Fresh fruit and freshly squeezed juices are preferred to dried fruit and store-bought fruit juices since they contain less sugar.


Like sugar, can impair your liver’s functioning to the point where your body’s fat-burning processes are blocked for several days, leaving the liver with little opportunity of burning any fat.

Acidifying Foods

The items listed above are not only terrible for weight gain and fat burning, but they are also acidifying, making them especially crucial to avoid for individuals taking phentermine. The reason for this is because acidifying foods cause phentermine to be excreted faster, which means it won’t stay in your system as long as it should. So avoid soda, alcohol, coffee, sweets, butter, ice cream, and white flour-based items.

It is critical to develop the habit of eating the proper meals while taking phentermine in order to re-educate your thinking to provide the best for your body. It is the modifications you make on your weight loss journey that help you maintain your new physique once you achieve your goal weight. All of this is to say that the occasional indulgence won’t make you feel deprived, and you’ll end up bingeing and undoing all of your good work in the process.

What’s the best diet to lose weight with Phentermine?

A prerequisite when looking for the most suitable diet to incorporate while taking phentermine is its longevity, meaning that you can still maintain it with that diet to keep the weight loss after do not use medication.

According to the ranking of the Best Diets for 2022 compiled by the U.S. News, the Mediterranean Diet is considered as one of the #1 diets to follow and it is the best diet while on phentermine. Many other diets can help you lose weight, but they are restrictive and difficult to follow.


The benefits of the Mediterranean diet can be seen through better health, which you can see in the following studies:

In addition, this diet is also recommended to follow by many credible organizations:

7-day sample menu for a Phentermine diet plan

One of the most crucial things to remember if you’re on phentermine is to discover a diet that you can stick to long-term in order to maintain your weight loss once you’ve finished taking the medicine.

Look closely at the phentermine menu below and the recipe for each dish, you will easily prepare a phentermine grocery list before going to the supermarket.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Monday Banana Yogurt Pots Cannellini Bean Salad Quick Moussaka
Tuesday Tomato Watermelon Salad Edgy Veggie Wraps Spicy Tomato Baked Eggs
Wednesday Blueberry Oats Bowl Carrot, Orange Avocado Salad Salmon with Potatoes and Corn Salad
Thursday Banana Yogurt Pots Mixed Bean Salad Spiced Carrot and Lentil Soup
Friday Tomato Watermelon Salad Panzanella Salad Med Chicken, Quinoa and Greek Salad
Saturday Blueberry Oats Bowl Quinoa Stir-Fried Veg Grilled Vegetables with Bean Mash
Sunday Banana Yogurt Pots Moroccan Chickpea Soup Spicy Mediterranean Beet Salad

Snacks should be had in between meals. Snacks to consider include:

Day 1: Monday

Banana Yogurt Pots for Breakfast on Monday

Time to prepare: 5 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


In the bottom of a glass, pour some of the yogurt. Repeat with a layer of banana, yogurt, and banana. When the glass is filled, scatter the nuts on top.

Salad with Cannellini Beans for Lunch

Time to prepare: 5 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Dinner with Nutritional Moussaka

Time to prepare + cook: 30 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Day 2: Tuesday

Tomato and Watermelon Salad for Breakfast

Time to prepare + cook: 5 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Lunch with Edgy Veggie Wraps

Time to prepare + cook: 10 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Spicy Tomato Baked Eggs for Dinner Nutrition

Time to prepare + cook: 25 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Day 3: Wednesday

Blueberry Oats Bowl for Breakfast

Time to prepare + cook: 10 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Salad with carrot, orange, and avocado for lunch

Nutrion facts: 203 kcal

Time to prepare + cook: 5 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Dinner with Salmon with Potatoes and Corn Salad

Nutrition Facts: 434 kcal

Time to prepare + cook: 30 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Day 4: Thursday

Breakfast: Banana Yogurt Pots

Lunch: Mixed Bean Salad

Prep time + cook time: 10 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Soup with Spiced Carrots and Lentils for Dinner

Prep time + cook time: 25 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Day 5: Friday

Salad with tomatoes and watermelon for breakfast

Panzanella Salad for Lunch

Time to prepare + cook: 10 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Dinner with Med Chicken, Quinoa, and Greek Salad

Time to prepare + cook: 20 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Day 6: Saturday

Breakfast: Blueberry Oats Bowl

Lunch: Quinoa with Stir-Fried Veg

Time to prepare + cook: 30 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Grilled Vegetables with Bean Mash for Dinner

Time to prepare + cook: 40 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Day 7: Sunday

Banana Yogurt Pots for Breakfast

Lunch with Moroccan Chickpea Soup

Time to prepare + cook: 25 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


Spicy Mediterranean Beet Salad for dinner

Time to prepare + cook: 40 minutes

Ingredients (for 2 people)


After 7 days of a Phentermine diet plan that aids weight loss while on Phentermine, your trip does not come to an end. It’s important about selecting meals that will become home staples and forming long-term eating habits.

Kerri Ann Jennings would like to take a minute to emphasize that this content is only for educational reasons. It makes no claim to be able to give medical advice or treat any medical problem. It makes no promises about weight loss, either in terms of how much weight can be lost or how quickly it can be lost. Please see your physician before making any changes if you have any concerns about your health.

Don’t forget to find out more Diet plans and Recipes on Kerriannjennings.com

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