A Guide to Writing Debt Collection Letters to Legal Clients

lawyer debt collection letter

All lawyers will sometimes struggle to get the clients to pay them. Furthermore, chasing after clients to settle debts is awkward and challenging. In that case, a clear lawyer debt collection letter can help law firms improve collections efficiently and professionally.

According to Clio’s 2020 Legal Trends Report , attorneys only collect for 88% of the hours they invoice on average. This means 12% of the hours that lawyers work and invoice for are never paid—which is valuable time and earned revenue lost.

Whether you call it a lawyer debt collection letter, a letter of demand, a demand letter of payment etc., the concept is clear. A lawyer debt collection letter requests a client to pay for an outstanding invoice balance. This type of letter can help resolve client debts by opening communication to find a fair solution for your client and your firm. An attorney debt collection letter can also potentially support your case should you have to take further action to get paid.

In this blog post, we’ll outline the basics of a lawyer debt collection letter—including how it can help lawyers, what to include in your letter, and the dos and don’ts you should be mindful of. You can also use the enclosed attorney debt collection letter sample to create your own template.

What is a debt collection letter?

signing a lawyer debt collection letter

A debt collection letter is a formal notice that businesses—including law firms— give to a client who hasn’t paid their bill by the agreed-upon date. This type of letter informs the recipient of their outstanding debt, requests that they pay by a certain date, and lets them know what will happen should they fail to pay.

Typically, a lawyer debt collection letter may be used to:

How is a debt collection letter useful to attorneys?

It’s incredibly frustrating to hold up your end of a contract with a client, then not get paid. Instead of writing off unpaid invoices from non-paying clients, an attorney debt collection letter formally gives clients a clear opportunity and motivation to pay their debt. Here are three key ways that debt collection letters can be useful to lawyers:

1. Inform clients of outstanding payments

legal client using online payments

It’s possible a simple oversight or miscommunication could have caused the client to not pay your law firm’s invoice. In these cases, sending a clear attorney collection letter to a client can quickly and professionally resolve the issue by letting the client know what’s outstanding.

Before reaching the point where a collection letter is necessary, lawyers should ensure that they’ve set up a sound system for their law firm billing . The goal for attorneys is to get paid for the work they complete—while maintaining good relationships with their clients. Before a debt collection letter is necessary, lawyers can take steps to ensure their billing systems are as efficient and client-friendly as possible.

As Clio’s 2020 Legal Trends Report shows, for example, 65% of consumers prefer to pay using electronic payments like credit cards, debit cards, or online payment systems. Using software like Clio Manage allows clients to pay their legal bills via credit card online. Lawyers can make it easier for clients to pay with online payments. You may be surprised and how online payments can reduce your need for debt collection letters.

However, if clients are running behind on their bills, lawyers like yourself need to know when payments are missed so you can deal with the situation promptly. For example, by using Clio Manage’s billing features , lawyers can keep track of client payments. This way, lawyers will know when a collection letter is necessary.

2. Initiates payment negotiation

two people shaking hands

Sometimes, a client may short on cash. They may have the intention to pay you, but just can’t pay at the moment. In this challenging situation, they might not know how to communicate this.

In these instances, a debt collection letter from their attorney can initiate a payment negotiation and create a solution that works for the client and the attorney.

For example, a payment plan where the client pays incrementally over time, might not be your first choice. But a payment plan can be a solution that ensures you get paid in a way that your client can accommodate. Your client will also recognize that you’re putting their needs first, which can in turn preserve a more positive relationship with the client.

3. Start the legal process

Unfortunately, in some situations, you may decide to pursue legal action if a client refuses to pay. For example, you may be able to report the non-paying client to a credit reporting agency , hire a collections agency, or file a lawsuit.

In these cases, you may use a formal lawyer debt collection letter as proof that the lawyer made an effort to let the client know about their outstanding debt—and that the client did not pay.

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What to include

The exact content of your debt collection letter will vary depending on each specific client situation. You also need to check any applicable rules for your jurisdiction. Consider including the following:

The dos and don’ts of debt collection letter writing