Home Health Agencies: Application for State Licensure and Federal Certification

Home health agencies (HHAs) primarily provide skilled nursing and other therapeutic services to people in their homes. Read Wis. Stats. § 50.49(1)(a) for the full definition of HHAs. See Defining "Skilled Care" for Wisconsin Home Health Agency (HHA) Licensure, P-01212 (PDF) for more information on skilled nursing services.

HHAs in Wisconsin can work with outside accrediting organizations for:

Accrediting organizations must be approved by both the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) and CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services). See 2017 Wisconsin Act 59 for more information.

HHAs can complete both state licensure and Medicare certification in one streamlined process. If you're looking to complete both, follow the process under the "Combined application" heading below.

HHAs not applying for Medicare certification should follow the instructions under the "State licensure application" heading. Please note that Medicare certification and licensure are requirements for Medicaid certification. It is not possible to only maintain Medicaid certification as an HHA without Medicare certification.

Do not complete an HHA application if you're only providing personal care services like:

General information

Medicare-certified and state-licensed HHAs need to meet all the regulations listed below. Review these regulations before applying:

Combined application (state licensure and Medicare certification)

The following accrediting organizations are approved to provide this combined survey process:

Follow this process for the combined application:

  1. Choose and contact an accrediting organization. This organization should provide a letter indicating the prospective HHA has been accepted into the survey program.
  2. Send the following to DQA:
  3. Submit a copy of your state HHA Wisconsin Home Health Agency License Application, F-62674 (Word) to your accrediting organization. Also include all agency policies and procedures. Policies and Procedures: Demonstrate, via submission of agency policies and procedures and patient care documentation, your compliance with Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 133 for Home Health Agencies. Also, demonstrate via submission of agency policies and procedures, your compliance with Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 13 Reporting and Investigation of Caregiver Misconduct. Refer to Chapter 6 of the Wisconsin Caregiver Program Manual, P-00038 (PDF).
  4. DQA will send a letter to the prospective HHA and the accrediting organization once the application is approved. This triggers the accrediting organization to conduct a provisional licensure survey.
  5. The accrediting organization approves the prospective HHA for one year of provisional accreditation. DQA then grants provisional state licensure with the same effective date.

Note: Wisconsin provisional licensure is good for three months. It is extendable up to three times (one year total). Send a letter to DQA requesting extensions if necessary.

The now-provisional HHA can begin serving clients.

Once you've served 10 clients with skilled nursing care (including seven active clients), send a letter and 10 patient care plans to DQA and the accrediting organization. The accrediting organization will start a combined unannounced Wisconsin licensure and Medicare certification survey. The accrediting organization will notify HHA and DQA once the survey is complete and the HHA is approved.

During the provisional licensure period, begin submitting required Medicare certification documents, including:

Once DQA has these documents and the accreditation organization survey, it can issue permanent state licensure and recommend Medicare certification to CMS.

State licensure application

Note that state licensure should be completed at the same time or before Medicare or Medicaid certification. State licensure does not guarantee Medicare certification.

As a prospective HHA, you must complete an application, pay fees, and submit supporting documentation that shows your compliance with Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 133 before receiving a license.

Send the following to DQA: