Pharmacy Services Agreement Template

The tokens on the right will aid you in adding key information to this pharmacy services agreement template. Be sure to review the entire document to ensure that the services, pricing, and terms are accurate.

This pharmacy services agreement, entered into by and between the following parties: ​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] , the Provider, AND [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] , the Client, is created as of [Document.CreatedDate] .

the Provider is properly licensed, willing, and able to provide such services,

the Client wishes to engage with the Provider to provide on-site pharmacy staffing and services at the Client’s facility located at Client.Address, and

the Provider and Client agree to enter into this pharmacy service agreement in accordance with the following:

I. Agreement Term

This pharmacy agreement shall cover a period of (Agreement.Years), beginning on [Document.CreatedDate] .

II. Provider Responsibilities

The Provider shall offer on-site staffing of the Client’s pharmacy during the following hours:

Use the template’s text fields here to list the hours that you’ll need to staff the client’s pharmacy.

Additionally, the Provider shall be responsible for the following:

Provide consultation to patients regarding proper use of prescribed medications

Perform periodic inventory of all pharmacy products

Enact and enforce an approved quality assurance program

Partner with the Client to develop, review, and implement approved policies and procedures regarding pharmacy operation

Maintain an accurate database of patient and medication information in compliance with State and Federal standards

III. Client Responsibilities

The Client ensure that their on-site pharmacy is properly stocked and equipped in a manner acceptable to the Provider.

The Client shall install and maintain safeguards to adequately secure the on-site pharmacy from intrusion by unauthorized individuals.

The Client shall provide access to the on-site pharmacy to the Provider’s employees during the hours listed in this pharmacy services agreement.

Use the template’s pricing table to detail the fees you’ll be invoicing to the client on a monthly basis.

IV. Payment

The Provider shall deliver an invoice to the Client for services rendered on the first business day of each calendar month. Each invoice shall contain an itemized breakdown of charges, and shall be due for payment within 30 business days. The table below outlines the fees that will be charged to the Client by the Provider.

Description of first item

Description of second item

Description of third item

V. Independent Contractor

The Provider shall be considered an independent contractor and is not an employee of the Client.

VI. Indemnification

Both parties to this pharmacy services agreement agree to indemnify and hold one another harmless against all damages and loss except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

VII. Formal Communication

All formal notices shall be delivered via the following means:

VIII. Governing Law

This pharmacy services agreement shall be enforced and governed in accordance with the laws of Sender.Country and Sender.State.

Be sure to list the formal contact information for you and your client here.

IX. Agreement Modification

This pharmacy agreement shall not be modified except through written amendment signed by both parties.

X. Entire Agreement

This pharmacy services agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the Client and Provider.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the below signed parties hereby agree to enter into this pharmacy agreement with one another.


Both parties should esign the template here before downloading a completed copy for filing.

Pharmacy Services Agreement Template

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Useful resources


What is the meaning of pharmacy services?

Pharmacy services refers to the services provided by a pharmacist at a pharmacy. These services include prescribing the right medicines, providing medicines based on the doctor’s recommendations, and regulating patient medicine intake, amongst other services.

What is the purpose of a pharmacy agreement?

A pharmacy agreement, much like any other agreement, is great tool for setting the record straight. Since the agreement is legally binding, both parties cannot back out of their obligations. The agreement also lists down deliverables, responsibilities, payment, terms and conditions, etc.

What is a pharmacy services contract?

A pharmacy services contract is a legally binding document between two parties (service provider and client), which states that the service provider will provide pharmacy services in exchange for compensation. It include details like agreement term, provider responsibilities, client responsibilities, payment, terms and conditions, etc.


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