Lego nxt robot car instructions

Four programs are provided for the Race Car: two for single-NXT use, and two Bluetooth control programs designed for use with the 5 Button Remote Control and Steering Remote Control projects (second NXT required).

Single NXT Programs:

The car should be started with the front wheels pointed straight ahead (adjust them before starting the program by turning the knob wheel on the steering motor), and it will start out driving straight slowly.

Note that autonomous operation is tricky, because there is limited control, and the steering has a lot of mechanical "slop" in it, which makes getting a straight start and consistent turns challenging.

You may also need to change the colors used in the program to adjust for the color of your floor and markers used. To test which color the car sees over various surfaces, use the View -> Color feature in the NXT brick menu and roll the car over various surfaces.

Bluetooth Control Programs (Two NXTs Required):

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